Curves and graphs

Axodraw is equipped with a curve fitting facility that can draw smooth curves through a set of coordinates. Coupled to this is a set of commands to draw the axes that are typically needed for the use of graphs and histograms. An example of a complete picture would be

\begin{center} \begin{picture}(360,440)(0,0)
\SetScale{100.} \SetWidth{0.005}
\Text(0,-10)[]{0} \Text(100,-10)[]{1}
\Text(200,-10)[]{2} \Text(300,-10)[]{3}
\Text(150,-25)[]{\large Beam energy in GeV}
\Text(-10,70)[]{$1$} \Text(-10,170)[]{$10$}
\Text(-10,270)[]{$10^2$} \Text(-10,370)[]{$10^3$}
\rText(-25,220)[][l]{\Large$\sigma$ in nb}
\Vertex(190,270){1.5} \Vertex(240,270){1.5}
\end{picture}  \\ {\sl \hskip 10 pt Threshold
effects for $\mu$ and $\tau$} \end{center}
and the resulting picture would be

\Vertex(190,270){1.5} \Vertex(240,270){1.5}

pt Threshold effects for μ and τ
Of course one can scale these pictures further, but because the scale factor has been used to enter the data points these should then be adapted too. Note that when the scale is blown up by a factor 100, the linewidth has to be scaled down or disasters will take place.

Finally a playful example:

    \end{picture} \end{center}
which results in


Acknowledgement: The author wishes to thank G.J.van Oldenborgh for help with some of the TEX macros.

Axodraw can be obtained by means of anonymous ftp from It is located in the directory pub/form/axodraw. Commentary and suggestions should be sent to the author at